septiembre 14, 2009

Ensalada de Flores

Después de casi un mes sin escribir en mi blog...
Después de mes de Agosto de muchos cambios....

Quiero compartir esta ensalada que he preparado en varias ocasiones y como dijo Carlos cuando la probó, en cada bocado pueden sentirse sabores diferentes, es como estar comiendo varias ensaladas a la vez ya que en cada bocado la mezcla de sabores es diferente.

Esta receta esta inspirada en una receta de Sumito Estevez tiene algunos cambios que le hice de acuerdo a los ingredientes que se consiguen aqui donde vivo.

Ensalada de Tomates confitados con maní y wasabi
Confit de tomates
Aceite de oliva 1 Taza
Azúcar Cantidad necesaria
Romero A gusto
Perejil A gusto
Orégano A gusto
Sal A gusto
Tomates 6 Unidades
Tomillo A gusto
Aceite de oliva 1 cucharada
Ajo picado 1 cucharadita
Azúcar 1/2 cucharadita
Jengibre Picado 1 cucharada
Mostaza 1 cucharadita
Sal A gusto
Wasabi en polvo 2 cucharaditas
Champiñones 4 Unidades
Hinojo 1 Bulbo
Lechugas varias cantidad necesaria
Maní con cáscara 100 gramos
Queso de cabra 50 gramos
Flores comestibles
Confit de tomates
Retire el pedúnculo de los tomates (estos tienen que estar maduros pero firmes), de vuelta y realice sobre el otro extremo una incisión.
En una olla con abundante agua caliente cocínelos durante 45 segundos, retire y colóquelos en un recipiente con abundante agua fría unos minutos, luego pélelos.
Corte los tomates en cuartos y retire las semillas.
Coloque en una procesadora el tomillo, perejil, romero y aceite de oliva, procese hasta obtener un aceite de hierbas.
En una placa con una plancha siliconada acomode los cuartos de tomates, espolvoree con azúcar, sal y vierta encima el aceite de hierbas.
Lleva a horno a 120ºC y cocine durante 2 horas.
Coloque en un mortero el jengibre y el ajo picado junto con 2 cucharadas de agua, luego machaque hasta obtener una pasta.
Una vez obtenida la pasta agregue el wasabi, la mostaza, el aceite de oliva, sal y azúcar y mezcle.
Corte el bulbo de hinojo en finas rodajas y reserve en un recipiente con abundante agua y jugo de limón hasta el momento de ser utilizado.
Corte los champiñones en finas láminas.
Corte las hojas de lechugas en fina juliana.
Retire la cáscara de los maníes, luego la piel y por ultimo píquelos groseramente.
Coloque las hojas verdes en un recipiente junto con el maní, el queso de cabra, los champiñones y el hinojo, mezcle.
Coloque en el centro de un plato un aro y dentro de este acomode las lechugas, retire el aro. Encima coloque tomates confitados.
Decore con las flores comestibles, espolvoree con maníes y el aceite de los tomates.

agosto 17, 2009

Sashimi de Atún

Como ya han visto en este blog uno de mis pescados favoritos en el atún, esta receta a continuación de un sashimi de atún puede presentarse de diferentes formas. Una forma de presentarlo es colocar una capa de atún, bañar con la vinagreta y cubrir con la albahaca y repetir la operación hasta que se terminen los ingredientes. En las fotos a continuación lo mezcle todo y lo presenté similar a las cintas de atún y lo acompañé con pan ligeramente dulce tostado.

Sashimi de Atún con Vinagreta de Soja
Para 6 personas
600 grs. de atún fresco cortado en tiritas de de 3 centímetros de largo y 0.5 centímetros de ancho y alto
4 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
8 cucharadas de aceite de girasol
1 cucharada de aceite chino de ajonjolí
3 cucharadas de Vinagre Balsámico
3 cucharadas de soja japonesa
5 cucharadas de Ron Blanco
½ taza de Albahaca cortada en juliana
Mezcle los aceites, el vinagre, la soja y el ron para obtener una vinagreta.
En un bol mezcle el atún, la vinagreta y la albahaca. No esperar más de una hora antes de servir.
Sirva en 6 platos y decore con hojas de albahaca fresca.

agosto 01, 2009

Salmon Ceviche

Para ver esta receta en español haz click aqui.

Salmon ceviche with guacamole and white corn tortilla chips


1 pound of diced fresh salmon

4 tablespoons mild pepper rings cut in very small dices

4 tablespoons of Tabasco sauce

6 teaspoons of fine cut cilantro

1 tablespoons of Thai fish sauce

8 tablespoons of lime juice

4 teaspoons of finely diced leeks

1 avocado

1/2 of a finely diced onion

White Corn Tortillas Chips



Dice the salmon into half-inch pieces. Add the lime juice, the fish sauce, 3 tablespoon of Tabasco sauce, the cilantro, the mild pepper rings and the finely dice leeks. Let the mixture sit for five minutes.

For guacamole, take the skin off the avocado and with a fork, mash the avocado and add the onion, the rest of the cilantro, the pepper ring, the Tabasco and salt.

Place the guacamole in the middle of plate then add the salmon around the guacamole. Then add white corn chips around the rim of the plate.

Roasted Tomato Risotto

Para ver esta receta en español haz click aqui.

Roasted Tomato Risotto


2 tablespoons olive oil

1 onion, peeled and diced

1 ½ cups Arborio rice or other short-grain rice

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

6 to 8 cups Chicken Stock

3 roasted tomato halves, recipe follows, chopped

4 roasted garlic cloves, recipe follows, peeled and chopped

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

¼ cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano


Heat oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat until it slides easily across pan bottom. Add onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 15 minutes. Add rice, salt, and pepper and cook, stirring, until rice is heated through and slightly translucent, about 1 minute.

Add enough stock to almost cover rice, about 2 cups. Simmer, stirring frequently, until rice has absorbed stock, 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in tomatoes, garlic, and another cup of stock. Cook, stirring, until rice looks dry, then add another cup of stock. Continue gradually adding stock, cooking, and stirring, until rice is tender and creamy, about 25 minutes. Stir in butter and cheese, season with salt and pepper, and serve.

Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic

Para ver esta receta en español haz click aqui.

Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic


20 ripe tomatoes, stems and cores removed

2 large heads garlic, divided into unpeeled cloves

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

8 sprigs fresh thyme


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut tomatoes in half cross-wise (through the equator), then place tomatoes, garlic cloves, and olive oil in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper and mix gently. Line 2 large, rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Place tomato halves on baking sheets, cut side down, and pour any olive oil left in bowl over them. Divide garlic and thyme evenly between baking sheets. Bake until tomato skins loosen, about 20 minutes.

Remove and discard tomato skins. Pour any juices that have accumulated into a bowl and reserve. Return tomatoes to oven and reduce temperature to 275 degrees. Continue roasting, periodically pouring off and reserving juices, until tomatoes are slightly shrunken and appear cooked and concentrated but not yet dry, 3 or 4 hours more.

Remove tomatoes from oven and allow them to cool on baking sheets. Discard thyme. Transfer tomatoes and garlic to separate containers. Store tomatoes, garlic cloves, and reserved tomato juices in refrigerator for up to 1 week, or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Yield: 40 roasted tomato halves, approximately 20 roasted garlic cloves, and 1 to 3 cups roasted tomato juice.

Decadent Warm Soft Chocolate Cake

Para ver esta receta en español haz click aqui.

One of my favorite desserts to prepare for my guests is the Warm Soft Chocolate Cake. The warm gooey center, not unlike chocolate molten lava, is so sinfully decadent. It’s very surprising how easy it is to prepare. It’s an impressive dessert too. The only trick lies in the timing. In my oven it takes exactly 8 minutes. It is great served with vanilla ice cream .

Warm Soft Chocolate Cake

Serves 4


8 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 teaspoon all-purpose flour

4 oz bittersweet chocolate

2 large eggs

2 egg yolks

¼ cup sugar


Preheat oven to 450°F. Butter and lightly flour 4 6-ounce molds, custard cups, ramekins, or similar containers. Tap out excess flour. Either in a double boiler or small saucepan, gently heat butter and chocolate together until chocolate is almost completely melted. In the meantime, beat eggs, yolks, and sugar together with a whisk or electric beater until light and thick.

Beat melted chocolate and butter together. While still warm, pour into egg mixture, and then quickly beat in flour until combined.

Divide batter among molds. (At this point you can refrigerate desserts for several hours, until ready to eat. Bring to room temperature before cooking.)

Bake molds on a baking sheet for 10 to 12 minutes; the center will still be quite soft, but the sides will be set.

Invert each mold onto a plate and let sit about 10 seconds. Unmold by lifting up one corner of mold; cake will fall out onto plate. Serve with lightly sweetened whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Octopus Carpaccio

Para ver esta receta en español haz clic aqui.

Carpaccio of Octopus

Serves 6


1 large octopus

1 yellow onion, chopped

1 carrot, chopped

1 celery stalk, chopped

3 fresh parsley sprigs

2 fresh thyme sprigs

2 bay leaves

2 cups of red wine

4 cups of water

½ cup olive oil

2 tablespoons Spanish paprika

3 tablespoons finely chopped black olives

3 tablespoons finely chopped Ciboulette (small chive)


Place the water, wine, onion, carrot, celery, bay leave, parsley and thyme into a pot. Bring to the boil then add the octopus into the pot and reduce the heat to simmer for 40 minutes, or until the octopus is tender.

Remove the octopus from the stock and reduce the heat to low and allow the stock to reduce to ½ cup.

Allow the octopus to cool, then roll up in cling film to form a sausage shape and chill in the fridge.

Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Add the Spanish Paprika and a teaspoon of salt, cook for a couple of minutes, strain well.

Once the octopus is very cold and holding its shape, using a large, very sharp knife, slice it into thin sheets.

To serve, place the slices of octopus onto each plate. Drizzle over the Paprika Oil, Garnish the plate with the chopped black olives and Ciboulette. Add the wine reduction around.

Boiling Octopus Tips

Freezing fresh octopus first; then boiling it for 35-40 minutes, lifting it three times out of the boiling water for a few seconds and then re-submerging it.